Frequently asked questions
After registration you add business units and the price is determined according to the number of business units. Each business unit has its own individualized and visually personalized price list.
The subscription as well as the trial period lasts 30 days and after that period the subscription needs to be renewed in order for your price lists to be displayed.
Yes. We need to contact you in order to prepare an appropriate invoice for you and extend the duration of the subscription to the length of the requested period. In this case, you will not be able to add new business units in that period and your subscription is calculated according to the number of active business units at the time of calculation.
You will receive an expiration notice and instructions for renewing your subscription to your email address 7 days before the expiration. Subscriptions will be extended to 30 days from receipt of payment.
Please note that the price list will stop running on the day of expiration, but you will still be able to log in to the system and possibly make changes to your prices.
The subscription will be automatically terminated if you do not renew it, but you can reactivate it after contacting us.
Yes. When adding a new item, you can select one of the status modes of that item. If you choose that the item is on sale, it will appear on the price list above all other categories and items.
Yes. On the price list under options there is a search field where you can enter the search term.